Game of Thrones Quiz

Game of Thrones Quiz

Game of Thrones is the biggest TV Show created up till this point. You know you’ve created a great product if every new fantasy show is automatically compared to GoT. Even if they have pretty much nothing in common. Of course, the first thing that were created were the books. Only Martins creation allowed this show to be great. And we know what happened when the show surpassed the books and started to make their own stuff up. But anyway, to celebrate this epic show we put up this pretty hard GOT Quiz. It features 20 questions that are mostly from the tv show but you can expect some from the books too. Test your knowledge and see if you really know Game of Thrones as well as you think you do. Also, if you like our quizzes, share them. Why? Because it helps us gather regular audience and keep on delivering new quizzes every day from every entertainment branch. Good luck and have fun!

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